Showing posts with label Mark of the Beast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark of the Beast. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2020

Are You Ready for The Mark>? Consent Voluntary Enforcement Compulsory - Zeig Heil


VIDEO:   (1265) Are You Ready To Be Marked? - YouTube

Thousand Of America Are Being Marked To be "TESTED" For The COVID-19

You Vill Be Tested

You Will take The Shot

You Vill Get The Chip

Or A FEMA Concentration Camp Awaits You

Do You See President TRUMP de-fundung any Federal Department of Agency?

Maybe President Trump has a plan to round up all these Democratic Socialist Party NAZIs.

They are registered with the IRS as the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST PARTY - The Same Party Of Adolf Hitler &  Benito Mussolini, and they all support Slavery and the KKK.

And As We Have Seen

They Started The United Nations around 1890 and did not licence this Corporation  until 1944 in San Francisco - and when given $12 Million Form The Rockefellar Foundation Moved to New York City.

The Wall Of truth

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

India Implements The Mark Of The Beast


(1039) India Implements Mark Of The Beast Natiowide - YouTube


Brought to you by Get The Tea

I eat their products daily because the work - unlike allot of products I have tested over the last 25 years.

The nation of India has just implemented The Mark Of The Beast.



In an unprecedented move the nation of India has just created an Identification System called AADHAAR that scans your fingerprints, eyes and faces in order for you to Buy and Sell, collect Welfare and even conduct bank Transactions.

Even travel through their Airports will require the registration of these things by the Universal Computer run by the NSA --- oops --- that’s Top Secret.

The Universal Computer is a collection of thousands of smaller computers that are all interconnected not only through satellites but also through Underwater and Underground cable systems across this planet that converge - I believe - just north of Eastern Montana and lead to a Major system in Utah.

This New Program forces ALL Indian residence to sit in front of a computer and allow it to read your Fingerprints, scan your eyes, and read your facial patterns.

Within a few weeks your Voice Patters will also be added to this Master Data Base.

Thus the Veri-chip has been completely out dated and computer chips imbedded in the Right Hand ofr Forehead are no longer needed.

Whenever you transact business you must have your finger print and facial patters read as well.

The only time this is not done is when someone goes to buy something with cash - but this is not very common as about 99% of all transactions in India now are done electronically.

This type is system is also being implemented in Britain and in not only being used for financial transactions but also to track people.

Already the system is being set up at every Abortion Clinics in Britain and if you stop to pray ant these clinics you wwill be tagged and bagged - arrested and prosecuted for praying.

These Orwellian rules will soon be implemented across the Globe and soon - before you even step outside your house - your fingerprints and Iris patterns will be read from mandatory In-Home cameras.

Of course  - we know that computers never make mistakesesesesesssss…

When the Mark of the Beast is discussed in Deuteronomy thousands of years ago it refers to your forehead and right hand - who you worship and what you do.

Since Computers were not around 3 over 3,000 years ago it is doubtful it referred to some Computer Chip Lucifer has created a few years ago.


1) Contrary to President Trump’s Campaign Promises General Mad Dog Mattis, Secretary fo Defense,  just announced that the US Troops will not be leaving Syria or Afghanistan any time soon.

He made it clear that until they win the peace Diplomatically they aren’t going anywhere - which actually makes sense.

Defeat the enemy in Battle then win the peace diplomatically before leaving.

2) As we stated would happen many times the Earth’s Magnetic Field is acting in some pretty weird ways.

No - the poles will not shift. They have been restored to where they were in the year 1650 AD.

What is happening is that the Sun is acting up - enlarging and sending out allot more Sun Spots - despite the lies put out by NASA.

You can confirm this by going to SOHOWWW

Note the GIF Movie for the LASCO/C2

When most of us were kids the sun was yellow. In 1993 it began burning more Helium than Hydrogen and so the Sun turned white and began to enlarge. Then, in a stupid fit of uncontrollable rage, in 2011 the last president destroyed the very device stabilizing the sun and in began to enlarge.

So here we are with an enlarging sun spitting out Sunspots at us at an alarming rate and the New Killer GMO Foods are designed to die when hit by these outbursts si now crop production in America is not falling.

Pray President Trump does as GOD asks him to do regarding this.

3) First Deutsche Bank, then France’s BNP and now Goldman Sach’s have been fined for manipulating the FX Market - which controls the Foreign Exchange Rates.

There were no arrests for this Illegal Market Manipulations - not in Germany, not in France and not here in America.

Not one.

4) As a final note: the US is now flying B-52 Bombers over the South Chinese Sea.

So the US is trying to intimidate the Chinese Navy with  a jet that was designed over 68 years ago and first flew in 1952.

Please pray for President Trump’s Safety
These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Mark of the Beast now active in India as government requires biometric scanning for food purchases and government benefits –

What Is the Mark of the Beast Talked About in the Book of Revelation? | United Church of God

Secretary Mattis: U.S. Troops to Remain in Syria, Afghanistan for the Long Haul | One America News Network

Scientists: Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting "Weird", We Could Experience A "Shudder" | Zero Hedge

SOHO Real Time GIF Movies

Goldman Fined $110 Million For "Improperly" Rigging The FX Market | Zero Hedge

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - Wikipedia



Friday, December 26, 2014

The Mark Of The Beast Is Here

That is correct - the Mark of the Beast his here in America and you will line up to get one.

(((Please pray (Visialize) that the US/UK Clones programming are erased - that their programming is destroyed immediately. This will terminate their ability to start a Nuclear War. )))

You, and your children, will line up to get this New Computer Chip.

The New Chip - mandatory on all Babies born into the European Union since 1 May - is being touted by the American Supported Media as a "Medical Chip." You have it installed on hte inside of you arm and it monitors all sorts of Medical Things - but the manufacturer will not tell you exactly what it is that it monitors.

This device is the Core Product of a COmpany called MC10.

So we are told it tracks your where abouts in Europe when it is installed in all New Borns there, but in America we are told nothing about on US Sponsored Programs like PBS, NOBA, Etc.

So when you are told to get one please keep in mind that if it can send out data it can also receive data and control what you see and think.

Pray - visualize - that the computer programs that run these devices completely crashes forever.

As a side note - Sony Pictures Sales are way down the the "Hacking" was an internal job to boost their sale.

Further - they are a Japanese Based COmpany - so why would the US Respond to an attack on a Japanese Company so why would the US Respond unless they had an alterior motive?

False Flag tot boost their sales.

The movie "Interview" is a really stupid movie with horrible acting, a horrible plot line, and a horrible director and the movie is one in which only a moron would like it --- but they have to boost their sales some how.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

In Ten Years, You Won’t Even Know You’re Wearing Them — NOVA Next | PBS

MC10: Making the Mark of the Beast Possible through miniturization:

Interventional Catheters | MC10


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

All Newborns in the Euro Nations to be Chipped by 1 May 2014

What you are about to read will shock you and all websites reporting on this are going down - except APFN.

As of 1 May 2014 all Newborn Babies are to be chipped in the Euro Nations.

Be grateful Ukraine your leaders did not force you into the Euro Nations.

This chip will be tracked by satellite.

The chip is capable to detecting your mood changers, body temperature, blood sugar levels, nutrient levels and also to pulse you with certain frequencies that can cause headaches and even death.

The current chip to be used will need to be "Recharged" (Checked fro accuracy) every 2 years.

Within a year - if you collect money from any "Government Agency" you will also need to be chipped.

Within two years ALL citizens will be chipped.

"You Will not be able to buy nor sell without the chip."

The Mark Of The Beast.
China - your economy is in a free fall. This was specifically done by the Rothchilds (Beuery Boys) to kill your people.

What are you going to do about it - and their Great White Brotherhood in Bohemia?
Please Pray (Visualize) that these Rothchilds and Chief Mason are defeated in their goal of destroying this planet and chipping us.

You heard this first - here on APFN.

Dr William B. Mount