Monday, July 15, 2013


For 56 days the US Treasury Debt Clock has stopped at $16, 699,396,000,000.00.

We know that before the clocked stopped the US Treasury was issuing $2.5 Billion Dollars a day over it too in - so we think the debt is now around $17,750,000,000.00 - but we do not know.

The US (Corporation) has not had a budget since Obama became president.

This means we do not know who is spending what - or even who should spend what. 

Based on what a DOD employee in budgeting told me a few weeks ago - there is NO budget, we just make up money on the computer.

It is over - this Obama Regime has driven the US Economy into the ground and he has even decided he will have a third term.

This means Economic Collapse and a Nuclear War.

Alas - we stated this would happen on APFN in the following stories:;article=143126;article=143126;article=143139;

There are no other options unless thy come for GOD's Solution.$16,699,396,000,000.00-56-days
Please Pray that the Obama Regime collapses immediately.

Dr William B. Mount

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